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2009 Parade Winners

March 15, 2009

The Great American Irish Festival, in association with the Genesis Group, presenters of the 2009 Utica St. Patrick's Day Parade are pleased to announce the following parade judging winners:

2009 St. Patrick's Day Award Winners

" Bag Pipes
1. Maloney Memorial Pipe Band
2. Syracuse Scottish Marching Band
3. Mohawk Valley Frasers

" Fire Departments
1. Maynard Volunteer
2. Clinton
3. New Hartford

" Floats
1. Goggin Family
2. Men's AOH/St. Patrick
3. Mohawk Ltd.

" Marching Units
1. New York Army National Guard
2. Butler-Sheehan Academy of Irish Dance
3. Johnston School of Irish Dance

" Taverns
1. Shorty's
2. Black Cat
3. Nail Creek

" Vehicles
1. Oneida County Historical Society
2. Safety First Chimney Sweeps
3. Pepsi Bottling Company

" Best Saluting Unit
1. Utica Fire Department
2. New Hartford Legion Post 1376

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